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Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Friday, 12 February 2021



You've been missing your routine at the gym very often, thanks to your busy schedule (or plain laziness)and need to reduce your belly fat immediately and suddenly you realize that in one week you have to attend a wedding.

You want to wear your favourite saree or figure-hugging dress but are worried about Belly fat bulging out. This makes you worry about how to reduce belly fat around your tummy. While you cannot reduce fat, you can lose belly fat by decreasing your total body fat percentage. And you don't have to completely alter your daily habits to get a flat stomach within 7 days ! Just follow these 7 tips to reduce belly and flaunt your abs the way you have always dreamt of!

1. Circuit training :
If you want to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, you have to perform circuit training three days per week. How can you achieve this? Indulge in full body exercises like lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups, for one set of 15 repetitions. Don't forget to follow every exercise with one minute of jumping rope. You should be able to burn around 500 to 600 calories per workout.

2. Go for abdomial muscles workout :
If wondering how to lose tummy fat quickly, then include abdominal muscles workout in your 'tips to reduce belly' list. So this three times in the week. Crunches and leg raises for three sets of 20 repetitions should be done. Also, do planks by holding your body in a push-up position on your elbows for 30 to 60 seconds for four sets.

3. Check your food :
The kind of food you will eat in this period is vital in bringing about any change. Natural foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, chicken, beef, fish and low fat dairy should replace processed foods full of sugar.

Losing belly fat is the hardest, they say. And when you want to strengthen your core and lose the flab, we most commonly resort to crunches. Here are some moves that can help you lose fat from the mid-section. Each of these moves stimulate and tighten the core muscles while burning calories.

The kind of food you will eat in this period is vital in bringing about any change. Natural foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, chicken, beef, fish and low fat dairy should replace processed foods full of sugar.

 4. Avoid salt :
To minimize water retention, lower your sodium intake. This means you need to avoid salt. You can flavour your food with other herbs and spices instead.

5. Drink More water :
Have adequate water to flush away those toxins. This will give you dual benefits of a glowing skin and a flat tummy. Drinking water does not only mean having gallons of water in a day, but also drinking healthy drinks like green teas with anti-oxidants and fresh vegetable and fruit juice.

6. Stay away from alcohol :
Alcohol can make your stomach feel bloated. To get that perfect tummy for a figure-hugging dress or silk saree, stay away from having any alcohol for this week atleast.

7.Say bye-bye to stress :
Stressing and anxiety can cause the over-production of a certain hormone called cortisol, which encourages weight gain about the belly area. So try to keep your cool!

Common exercises to reduce belly fat :
Here are some common exercises that you should do when trying to reduce your waistline.

Bear Crawl :
Start with coming on all fours. Your hips should be in line with your knees and hands below your shoulders. Lift your knees slightly above the ground. Make sure your back is flat, legs hip-width apart and arms shoulder-width apart. Move your right hand and left leg forward. Now do the same with the other leg and hand. Repeat the move while alternating sides.

Bicycle Crunches :
Lie on your back with legs stretched and arms resting by your side. Put your hand behind your head (do not interlock them) and try to lift your shoulders and upper back off the ground. At the same time bend your left knee and bring it towards your chest and move your right elbow towards the centre. Your knees and elbow should meet in the middle. Pause and then take your leg and hand to the starting point. Perform the same exercising with the other elbow and knee.

Sit-ups :
Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet placed firmly on the ground. Place both your hands behind your head, without pulling on your neck. Now lift your upper body off the ground up toward your knees. Do not forget to breathe out when you do so. Hold on for 2-3 seconds then slowly lower yourself down, to return to your starting point. Breathe in when you go down.

1/8Exercises for a flat tummy

Lie straight on the floor with your legs extended over your hips. Pull yourself up, like one would do while doing crunches ensuring that your hands reach towards your feet. Bring your arms back overhead, lowering your right leg towards the floor. Repeat the same with left leg. Repeat 20 times.

Lie down with your back onto the floor. Bring your hands behind your head. Start with your legs bent at approximately 45 degrees angle; bring the right knee into the chest while straightening out your left leg. At the same time, rotate your top half bringing your right elbow to your left knee, then switch to the other side. Repeat 3 times, 1 minute each.

Begin in a seated position with your knees bent. Extend your legs so your body forms a right angle. Breathe comfortably throughout the move. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Lie on your stomach. Bend your elbows directly under shoulders and clasp your hands. Your feet should be hip-width apart, and elbows shoulder-width apart. Contract your abs, then tuck your toes to lift your body. You should be in a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 30-40 seconds and repeat.

Stand with your upper body straight and shoulders back and relaxed, and chin up. Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, not pushed out too far. Your other knee should not touch the floor. Keep the weight on your heels as you push back up to the starting position. Repeat with alternate legs.

Get into a high plank position. Begin to lower your body and keep your back flat and eyes focused about three feet in front of you. Push back up and keep your core engaged, exhale as you push back to the starting position. Repeat for 10- 20 times.

To perform this exercise, first stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your hands straight out in front of you. Sit down like you're sitting on an imaginary chair. Keep your back straight. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor. Keep your body tight, and push through your heels to bring yourself back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Wednesday, 6 January 2021



Hello Friends,

Below is the list of strategies that can effectively help your weight loss, support your general health and your mood at the same time.

1. Eat Slowly

2. Get Enough Sleep

3. Don’t Keep “Tempting” Foods In Your Home

4. Check Your Hormones

5. Don’t Eat Carbs Without Fiber

6. Positive attitude

So, we are going to recommend you perfected a simple, yet powerful formula, consisting of
amazing vitamins and plants — such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Zinc, Selenium,
Cat’s Claw, plus…

Sunday, 3 January 2021


We all want to lose a few pounds and look great, especially through those summer months but the average person does not succeed in keeping those pounds off, if they lose the weight at all. The reason for this is that many people follow the latest “celebrity” diets which are good for quick weight loss but are not good for your health or for keeping the weight off.

It is scientifically proven that if you follow a diet where you lose to much weight to quickly then you are starving your body of certain nutrients it needs, when you start moving towards eating a normal diet your body will automatically store these nutrients within the body in case this should happen again.

If you want to lose weight there are some golden rules you need to follow

* Eat 3 meals a day
* Eat less
* Eat healthy
* Eat from all the food groups (Protein, Carbohydrates, Fat)
* Exercise

What we want to achieve is to still eat 3 meals a day, just in smaller quantites and with healthier food. Within the 3 meals we still need all the different food groups for our body to function correctly so we still need our protein, carbohydrates and our fats....

Here are the 6 tips and tricks which can be very helpful to shed off the
unwanted, life-threatening fat

1. More protein and vegetables are the secret

The best way to lose weight fast is to opt for low-carbohydrate diets. Fiber and protein make you full faster and boost your metabolism. On the other hand, carbs increase the insulin level making you hungry. So instead of choosing a sweet fruit, you’d better grab a piece of low-fat meat.

2. Losing weight does not men bland food

If you do not eat tasty food for a long time, your brain will turn against you, telling you that an ice cream or a piece of chocolate is what you really need and what would make you happy. To avoid this you should eat, from time to time, ‘forbidden’ foods and relax a little. This way you will avoid losing control and interrupt or give up on your diet.

3. A strict schedule

Bad sleep and weight loss do not go hand in hand. Not getting enough sleep makes your body stressed, and we all know that stress leads to a change in metabolism, feeling hungry, tired and even depressed. So, make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

4. Stay away from liquid calories

You stick to your diet, but you do not know why you do not lose weight? Did you know that you can get hundreds of calories from sugar-sweetened tea, juice, soda or from alcohol? These are liquid calories or empty calories because all they do is give you extra energy without any nutritional benefits. So, if you really want to see some pounds disappearing, stick to water in which you can add fresh lemon, orange or mint for flavor, and unsweetened tea.

5. Always plan your meal for the next day

Not knowing what you will eat tomorrow will throw you into the ‘grab what you have’ panic when you start to feel hungry. Preparing a meal on the fly makes you highly likely to choose higher-calorie, less nutritious food. So, when you have lunch or dinner today, make the plan for the next day’s meals. It’s much easier if you do this when you are not hungry and it gives you enough time to chop veggies ahead of time, take something out of the freezer to defrost or do part of the cooking today.

6. Positive attitude

Weight loss takes time and sometimes you might feel discouraged if the extra pounds do not go away as fast as you want. Some days are harder when you stick to a weight loss program, but the key is to stay positive, persevere and not give up.

I truly think that these 6 steps are crucial in any weight loss plan and will help you go through this process much easier.

But to lose weight even faster and easier , and
that is why I recommend an easy, yet powerful formula, which
consists of amazing vitamins and plants, such as...



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